Tuesday, January 7, 2014


Tech Tuesday rapid fire Tim Fletcher Show breakdown:

-Fletch almost nailed final score, but got winning team right , go Noles
-3 stellar calls right out if the six o'clock shoot-SilverNBlack then ABC then Billy, all giving different breaks on the BCS finale.
-Fletch did his best to demarginalize Cakes air time but heavy caller traffic did the trick 
-Though he couldn't resist & Cakes desire to move away took hit with his very nervous live solo on air Monday replay at 7, very telling
-Tech BB coach breaking down the dogs at 8 with Smoothie King Tech Tuesday
-STK gets multiple interrupted by her pops during Twitterverse, even forgot she was doing it. STK knows how to rebound  daily (with cake) and nails it
-The Tim Brando called in via airport terminal in route to Notre Dame to break down the game & final death of the BCS.
-Skandar throws out mad trivia
-and lastly Ralph owns up and agreed to pay his bet after Auburn lost

Ed Hardy reporting 

PS- ATFS Video style back tomorrow, as writer had dinner gig tonite

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